Trash Collection Alert App - Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy") sets forth the guidelines for handling user information by the operator (hereinafter referred to as "the Operator") of the "Trash Collection Alert App" when users utilize the application.

Article 1 (Principles of Personal Information Protection)

  1. The Operator recognizes that the information obtained from users (hereinafter referred to as "User Information") in providing the App is important, and ensuring the protection of this information is a significant social responsibility of the Operator.
  2. To achieve the purpose mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the Operator shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"), guidelines from various ministries, and other relevant laws and regulations.

Article 2 (Information Collected)

  1. The Operator collects User Information in the App as follows, in accordance with the intent of the Personal Information Protection Act:
    1. Information voluntarily provided by users
      • Trash collection schedule information
      • Notification settings information
    2. Information collected by the Operator when using the App
      • Device information
      • Location information (optional)
      • App usage status
      • Advertising identifier
  2. The Operator shall obtain User Information through lawful and fair means, without resorting to deception or other wrongful methods.

Article 3 (Purpose of Use)

  1. The Operator will handle User Information obtained through the use of the App appropriately within the scope of the following purposes. The information will not be used beyond the scope of these purposes without the user's consent.
    1. To provide the trash collection alert function
    2. To respond to inquiries about the App
    3. To operate and improve the convenience of the App
    4. To provide information about the Operator's App
    5. For statistical analysis, market analysis, and marketing
    6. For ad delivery and effectiveness measurement
  2. The Operator may change the purposes of use mentioned in the preceding paragraph within a scope reasonably considered to have a relevant connection to the pre-change purposes of use, and in such cases, will promptly notify users of the changes.

Article 4 (Provision to Third Parties)

The Operator will not provide personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act to third parties, except in the following cases:

  1. When the user's consent has been obtained
  2. When required by law
  3. When necessary measures are taken against actions that violate the terms of use, such as actions that harm the interests of others or are contrary to public order and morals, or when such actions are attempted
  4. When necessary for the protection of human life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
  5. When especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
  6. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or a person entrusted by them to perform affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the individual's consent may impede the performance of said affairs
  7. In cases of business succession including mergers, company splits, business transfers, or other reasons where personal information of users is transferred

Article 5 (Outsourcing of Personal Information Handling)

The Operator may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information obtained from users to third parties (including cases where information management, including personal information, is outsourced to businesses). In such cases, the Operator will conclude a confidentiality agreement with the outsourced party that conforms to this policy in advance, and will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure that appropriate information security management is implemented by the outsourced party.

Article 6 (Security Management System)

  1. The Operator takes necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the security management of User Information.
  2. The Operator designates the representative of the Operator as the person responsible for security management and implements proper management and continuous improvement of User Information.

Article 7 (Changes to this Policy)

  1. The Operator will review the operational status of User Information handling as appropriate, strive for continuous improvement, and may change this Policy as needed.
  2. The revised Policy will be announced through display within the App or other easily understandable methods.

Article 8 (Contact Information)

For inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact the following:

Email address:

End of document

Established and implemented on July 20, 2024